Our Story
Learning and playing should both be effortless, and every child in the world deserves to be unrestrained, having their own fairy-tale world. A backpack should provide children with a light and comfortable carrying experience and a way to express their unique personalities.
With a deep love for children's health and well-being, Lina Wang founded GMT for Kids in 2017 in Norway. Her close ties with Norway and her extensive understanding of luxury consumer goods fueled her passion to create something truly special for children. Lina believed that a school bag should do more than just carry books—it should protect children's spines and support their healthy development.
Motivated by her profound care for children and a desire to provide the best for them, Lina designed and refined the first professional spine-protecting school bag. This classic square bag is not just a product; it embodies her vision and heartfelt commitment to children's health. Every stitch and detail reflect her dedication to creating a backpack that eases the burden on children’s backs, allowing them to explore the world with comfort and confidence.
A backpack is not just a simple learning tool; it should professionally solve the carrying problems of children and protect their healthy growth. GMT for Kids innovatively developed an integrated spine-protecting back panel with an S-shaped streamlined design that fits the child’s back. After hundreds of trials and innovations, the GMT small square bag achieved a standard of 22L large capacity and 0.78kg self-weight, excelling in combining ultra-lightweight, technological spine protection, and comfortable carrying. This exceptional combination has garnered recognition from families around the world.
From beginning to end, GMT for Kids carries the future and dreams of children. All product designs are not intended to “follow the will of adults”; every detail of the backpack is from the child’s perspective, meeting their preferences for colors, patterns, and imagination.
At the same time, GMT for Kids adheres to the concept of sustainable development, committed to creating a sustainable future for children. The brand continuously brings thoughtful products to over 100 million primary school students worldwide, accompanying and protecting children’s healthy growth with every detailed design and high-quality product.

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